Shifting mindsets and creating positive change

The organisations on this page are a combination of people I’ve worked with as a contractor or a permanent employee. Read about each project to find out about my role in solving complex challenges and creating more positive, thriving cultures and attitudes.

My entire project portfolio is available for review. Please don't hesitate to reach out.

case studies

Lloyds Bank

Launching Lloyds Bank Smart ID, a new Digital ID app


City Plumbing

Creating a superior experience across digital channels at City Plumbing


Royal Navy

Transforming Royal Navy's training administration system to create unified training efficiency


Ministry of Justice

Revolutionising Ministry of Justice's Freedom of Information process for enhanced efficiency and compliance



Elevating Xero's Customer Experience: Streamlined Service Frameworks and Global Collaboration


Munster Technological University

Transforming Student Onboarding: a University’s Service Design Revolution.


Design Thinking process


Inspired by the Design Council's Double Diamond, my iterative design process unfolds in four key phases. Each phase, bookended by initiation and reflection, is a dance between divergent exploration and focused convergence. 

In simple terms, divergence is where we get creative; gathering data, possibilities and ideas from everyone involved. Convergence is narrowing down those ideas and focusing on the most promising options. The whole process is free-flowing and non-linear. We might gather some data, test some ideas and then go back and gather more data based on what we learn. Prototyping is a key aspect of this process, testing our ideas early. 

Each phase concludes with reflection and learning, and then we might cycle back to the beginning.

Need some help?

Join me to break free from the old legacies, flip the script, and introduce a fresh approach to working.